Friday, August 16, 2013

Problem 1 - Filling Glasses

Filling Glasses - Due Aug 23rd.

If we were to fill a glass with water at a constant rate (for example, 1 cubic inch per minute), we could graph the height of the water in the glass as time goes by.

Suppose we fill the three glasses below in such a manner. Match up each glass with the graph that best describes the height of the water in the glass over time.

Explain why you matched each graph with each glass. Why do you think they belong together?

Extra Credit: Draw the glass in paint, that would correspond to the leftover graph and send it to me at:

Make sure to put the initial of your first name and the initial of your last name and your class period on your post.



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  2. Re-posted by Ms. Leckman

    Suppose I had 3 different glasses, all of different shapes and sizes. If were to pour water at a constant rate to each glasses & graph the way the water rose, then figure out which graph went with what glass.
    What I did to figure out which graph went with what glass was I first focused my attention to glass A. I noticed it was shorter than the rest. So I inferred that the graph would have been the shortest line. I narrowed it down to graph 1 and graph 4. Then I looked if it had any curves. I concluded that glass A went with graph 1.
    I did the same with glass B. I narrowed it down to graph 2 & 3. But glass B didn’t have any curves. I was stumped. It couldn’t have been graph 2 & 3 & obviously not 1. So I was left with glass B and graph 4
    For glass 3 I decided on going with graph 3 because when I looked at its curves and on the glass, it curves in along the middle. I looked at graph 2 and noticed it had 2 curves on the graph. That wasn’t right. So glass C goes with graph 3
    n.n - Period 03

  3. cq p5

    Glass C matches because of how fast the glass fills.
    Glass A matches with graph 1 at first its fast filling up then drops in speed and stays like that.
    Glass B matches with graph 4 because the speed it fills is almost always the same.

  4. MD per5

    Glass C matches because the speed the glass fills.
    Glass A matches with graph 1 at first its fast filling up then decreases and stays like that.
    Glass B matches with graph 4 because the speed it fills is almost always the same.

  5. If i were to fill 3 different glasses with water at a constant rate some would fill up slow, some fast because of their shapes. When matching them up I would say:
    -Glass A would go with Graph 4 because glass A is wide, making more space to fill causing it to take more time filling the glass.
    -Glass B does not have curves but it gets wider as it rises. So when you first start filling the glass it would go fast but then get slower. That is why Glass B goes with Graph 2
    -Glass C goes with Graph 3 because unlike the others it has more curves. In the middle of the glass it curves in. So at that point it would go faster because there's not that much space to fill.
    M.Z P. 5

  6. If i were to fill 3 glasses with water at a constant rate it will fill up slower or faster because of their shapes. When I match them up with the graphs it would say glass A would go with graph 4 because glass A is wider, making it more space for it to fill the glass causing it to take more time filling the glass. Glass B does not have curves but it gets wider as it rise. When you first start filling the glass it would go fast but go slower when you pour the water. Glass C goes with Graph 3 because that the only glass that has less curves. In the middle of the glass it curves in. since theres little space to fill there it goes faster.
    ASanchez pd 5

  7. 1. I think that glass A would belong to Graph 1 because the shape looks similar to the glass shape and also how much of water is added to the glass.
    2. Glass B would probably be graph 2 because the height of the water being poured into the glass looks like the right amount when compared to the time it takes to pour it down.
    3. For glass C, I think graph 1 would be a perfect fit because if you look at the shape of the line it is similar to the shape of the glass.
    4. For glass D, I drew a picture of how I think the glass would look because I compared it to the graph and the height and time of the water inside of the glass.

  8. Glass A: I think glass A is graph 1 because it had slop-ish figure just like the glass
    Glass B: I think glass B is graph 4 because the cup is all tall so it starts off slow then build up speed and it would take a while for the cup to fill up
    Glass C: I think glass C is graph three because glass C has the same curvy figure as graph 3
    a.m. Period 5

  9. 1. For glass A I think it is graph 4 because the cup is small and you have to be careful to not drop any water so in graph 4 its starts slow and then it goes a little higher and for glass A I am supposing that you first start slow so you don’t slip and then you go a little faster but so much.
    2. For glass B I think it is going to be like graph 2 because when you pour the water you start kind of slow and then pour more faster and then stop to see and then you pour more slowly and then you finish by pour fast at the end and graph 2 starts low and then goes up for a second and then it kind of goes higher a little by little and then at the end it goes up fast.
    3. Finally for glass C I think it is going to be graph 3 because when you begin pouring it you start fast and then stop to see so you don’t spill and then you go faster and then you stop so you don’t spill and you finish pouring in the water or beverage.

  10. 1. For glass A is graph 4 because the cup is small and you have to be careful to not drop any water so in graph 4 its starts slow and then it goes a little higher and for glass A I am supposing that you first start slow so you don’t slip and then you go a little faster but so much.
    2. For glass B I think it is going to be like graph 2 because when you pour the water you start kind of slow and then pour more faster and then stop to see and then you pour more slowly and then you finish by pour fast at the end and graph 2 starts low and then goes up for a second and then it kind of goes higher a little by little and then at the end it goes up fast.
    3. For glass C I think it is going to be graph 3 because when you begin pouring it you start fast and then stop to see so you don’t spill and then you go faster and then you stop so you don’t spill and you finish pouring in the water or beverage.
    -L.E Per.5

  11. Glasses A go with graph 1 because graph 1 is short and lest height. Glasses B go with graph 2 because the height go with graph 2.Glasses C go with graph 4 because it was going to be graph 4 it Toller then graph 3 at the height.
    -L.E. Period 5

  12. Filling Glasses
    Name: Tiyee La Mar
    Date: 8-24-13
    Period: 3
    Match up each glass with the graph that best describes the height of the water in the glass over time.

    Explain why you matched each graph with each glass. Why do you think they belong together?

    Extra Credit: Draw the glass in paint that would correspond to the leftover graph.

    Glass A: Graph 4. I chose graph 4; because if you flip the line upside down, the line matches the bottom part of glass A.
    Glass B: Graph 1. I chose graph 1; because the first part of the line is the slanted part of the glass. The rest of the line is when the glass bottom is kind of curved.
    Glass C: Graph 3. I chose graph 3; because if you flip the line towards the right, the bottom part represents the bottom part of the glass. The top part of the line represents the top, and curve of the glass.
    Glass D: Graph 2. I chose graph 2; because the bottom part of the line makes the bottom of the glass. The next part represents the curve on the glass.

  13. Glass C matches because the speed the glass fills.
    Glass A matches with graph 1 at first its fast filling up then decreases and stays like that.
    Glass B matches with graph 4 because the speed it fills is almost always the same.

  14. iknf4oi3 Glass C matches because the speed the glass fills.
    Glass A matches with graph 1 at first its fast filling up then decreases and stays like that.
    Glass B matches with graph 4 because the speed it fills is almost always the same.

  15. CQ per5
    Glass C matches with graph 3 because of how fast the glass fills.
    Glass A matches with graph 1 at first its fast filling up then drops in speed and stays like that.
    Glass B matches with graph 4 because the speed it fills is almost always the same.

  16. N,B

    A is graph 1, B is graph 3, C is graph 2 because of there height and width

  17. D.P.S
    I think glass A is graph 1, glass B is graph 4 and glass C is graph 3.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think glass B belongs with graph 4 because I think the shape of the cup also has to do with the rate. I matched glass C with graph 3 because rate is changing as you put more water in the glass, the shape of the glass is wavy so the rate changes. I also matched glass A with graph 1 because the rate gets higher as you pour more water. -L.E Period:2

  20. I think that cup A belongs to graph 4 because the rate of the pouring water into the cup that was short and large in width, The graph shows that the water being poured is gradually getting faster with more. I think cup B belongs to graph 1 because the cup starts off tiny and gradually gets bigger.The rim is bigger then when the stem of the glass connects. The graph shows that the water is being poured is slowly putting more and getting faster. I think that cup C belongs to graph 3 because the the cup is big on the bottom then in the middle it gets small and then big again kind of like a figure 8. The graph I chose to go with it is 3 because it starts big and then smaller in the middle of the graph and bigger again at the end of it, This means the person filling up the cup started fast and poured more then slowed and poured less then back to pouring a lot and fast. :) on

  21. Filling Glasses
    Period: 3
    Match up each glass with the graph that best describes the height of the water in the glass over time.

    Explain why you matched each graph with each glass. Why do you think they belong together?

    Extra Credit: Draw the glass in paint that would correspond to the leftover graph.

    Glass A: Graph 4. I chose graph 4; because if you flip the line upside down, the line matches the bottom part of glass A.
    Glass B: Graph 1. I chose graph 1; because the first part of the line is the slanted part of the glass. The rest of the line is when the glass bottom is kind of curved.
    Glass C: Graph 3. I chose graph 3; because if you flip the line towards the right, the bottom part represents the bottom part of the glass. The top part of the line represents the top, and curve of the glass.
    Glass D: Graph 2. I chose graph 2; because the bottom part of the line makes the bottom of the glass. The next part represents the curve on the glass.

  22. BC p3

    Glass A= Graph 1
    Glass B= Graph 4
    Glass C= Graph 2
    I matched the glasses to those graphs because their shapes match the graphs, so if you were to poor water into them the water would rise like in the graphs.

  23. I think that the glass A goes with graph 1, glass B with graph 4, and glass C with graph 3.

  24. Glass A i think goes to graph 4 Glass B goes to graph 1 and Graph C goes to graph 2

  25. Glass a is Graph 1
    Glass b is Graph 4
    Glass c is Graph 2

  26. I think glass a belongs with graph 1 and glass b belongs with graph 4 and glass c belongs with graph 2

    Gerardo Mendez period: 2

  27. Glass A= Graph 1
    Glass B= Graph 4
    Glass C= Graph 2
    i think class c is steeper then class b if you poor water in class c there would be more water

  28. CA
    Glass a is Graph 1, and Glass b is Graph 4, and Glass c is Graph 2.

  29. i think it is Glass a is graph 1
    Glass b is graph 4
    Glass c is Graph 2

  30. Glass A goes with graph 1
    Glass B goes with graph 4
    Glass C goes with graph 3

  31. Graph 1 goes with glass C because if glass C was to be filled with water it would go up at the bottom, down in the middle, and back up at the top.

    Graph 4 goes with glass B because if glass B was to be filled with water it would just keep going up, it would never go down.

    Graph 2 goes with glass A. the reasoning for that is because glass A is wide and doesn’t get more narrow like glass C or glass B it’s just wide and doesn’t have a narrow point.

    Rh.M. Period 5

  32. I say that graph 1 belongs to cup c because the graph is wiggled or moves up and down slightly just as the cup is slightly smaller in the middle of the cup.
    graph 2 doesn't belong to any of the cups because the way the graph is drawn the cup it would belong to a glassing will a big base and a very tiny middle with a top that is as wide as the base.
    graph 3 belongs to cup a because cup a has a very round wide base and the rest of the cup is the same way so the graph would show a slight bump in the middle of the graph because you have to slowly adjust the pouring rate to a slower speed.
    graph 4 belongs to cup b because the base of the cup is really small and then slowly the cup's width grows. so the graph would show a small start and then growing faster until about the middle and then slwoly slow down again so that the cup doesn't over flow
