Sunday, September 8, 2013

Problem Two - At the Movies

At the Movies

     Brave won The Academy Award, last year for Animated Feature Film. Ticket prices in our area during the run of this film were approximately $12.50. 

     The year I was born, Gigi won a total of nine awards one being best picture. During that year, my parents could purchase a movie ticket for about $0.70. Had they seen a musical on Broadway, tickets would have cost about $7.75. 

     If ticket prices for musicals rose at the same rate as did those for movies, what would it cost to see a musical version of Shrek? 

Bonus: Imagine that the size of the dollar bill has grown in proportion to the movie prices. What would its size have been when Gigi was in the movie theaters? 

Find out what Broadway tickets really cost today. Are you surprised? Was our model a good predictor? Why or why not? 

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